


目 录

1 引言 2

1.1课题研究选题背景及实际意义 2

1.2 世界各国研究现状 3

1.2.1中国研究现状 3

1.2.2海外研究现状 3

1.3 感应卡介绍 4

1.3.1非接触式感应卡的原理 4

1.3.2IC卡的优势 5

2 感应卡门禁系统设计 5

2.1 设计要点 5

2.2 整体方案 6

2.2.1系统结构和结构 6

2.3系统设计标准 7

3 智能门禁系统硬件开发 8

3.1 系统的功能材料结构 8

3.2 外围电路 11

3.3电脑键盘电源电路 11

3.4 蜂鸣声与报警电路 12

3.5 表明一部分 12

3.6 晶振电路 14

3.7 存贮器 15

3.8 主Cpu与PC机间串口通讯电源电路 16

3.9读卡控制模块 17

4 智能门禁系统软件开发 19

4.1软件开发工具 19

4.2 主流程图 20

4.3 EEPROM读写能力编程设计 21

4.4 电脑键盘扫描程序 21

4.5 液晶显示屏程序流程 22

5 论文参考文献 23

附则 26


摘 要:




关键字:智能门禁系统,RFIC 卡,电脑键盘,单片机设计

The Intelligent Guard Control System based on MCU

Abstract: In order to manage in and out rights of location area effectively, it is absolutely necessary to set up a set of modern intelligent access control system.

Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the RFIC card technology and the feature and the advantage of IC card through comparing with the no-contact IC card. This paper main makes a study of guard system with IC card, and analysis the design of hardware and software detailed, gives the main flow chart and program, it forms a completely guard control system.

The design uses W77E58 as the core entrance guarder. The keyboard and card-reader module zlg500B are the core-part of this entrance guard system. They communicate with PC computer to identify the correctly of the user. Besides, it has the state designation lights and buzzer using for the state designation of reading card. In addition, this part also includes the design of interface circuit of LCD, chip of time and date DS1302, AT24C256 memory, and digital signals and pulse signals. The experiment proves that the system is feasible.

Key Words: Intelligent Guard Control System,RFIC card,Keyboard ,MCU

